Saturday, October 15, 2011

Picture Outtakes

Every year I envision getting family pictures done and having them turn out perfect. Well, in real life where I live, it often doesn't happen...unless I hire a photographer.

This year was no different. I opted to take the pictures of my kids myself then then do the family ones using a tripod and a little help from a friend.

From now on, I will hire someone to do it for me!

The stress of having everyone ready, getting myself ready, finding a perfect location with good back-drops, being behind the camera while trying to remember the settings on my camera (I am still an ameatuer, remember?), posing everyone, trying to get them to smile at me while I threaten their lives, then reassure everyone "we are having fun, right?" while all along trying to beat the sun going down and also maintain my composure....

Next year, I'm hiring a professional.

Nonetheless, there were a couple good pictures until my sweet Caleb had an accident and fell and knocked out both of his PERMANENT front teeth! What?? How does this happen?? During family pictures of all things!

However, Caleb was ok. He was actually a trooper with everything that happened. He was able to get in to our sweet bishop, who is also a Pediatric dentist, and he fixed him right up. He put 2 temporary teeth on until we could get him back in for a root canal and 2 shiny new implants. Oh, the poor kid. But, like I said, he was amazing through it all.

And now, going for parents of the year award, since Caleb seemed to be okay, we tried to take a few family pictures right after it happened. I know, we are nuts. But, we were dressed & he was okay for the moment so we thought we could get a few taken. None of these will be on the Christmas card but it's a memory. There you have it. (Just when you thought you were the best parent of the year, I go and throw that at you...ha! can you sense my sarcasm?)

Anyway, here's a few for your viewing pleasure...

Babies are pretty much photogenic no matter what mood they're in, but my baby seems to really like the camera. :)

I love this one, but I saved the best one for the Christmas card. Sorry, you'll just have to wait. Ya, I'm mean like that.

Gunner saw these scrolls and thought they'd be good for a picture or two.

His poses are all his own idea.

My sweet girl

She told me her shoes were "glass" like Cinderella's.

Mr. Caleb before his accident...all teeth intact...smiling for the moment.

For some reason I love the crooked glasses.

 Goofing off with Dad

Caleb wasn't in the mood for a group picture at this moment, so I snapped a few of these 3 cuties.

Most of our family pictures looked like this...

...until he knocked out his teeth and they were worse. 

Getting hugs after it happened. :( Ya, I took pictures after the fact. I'm weird like that. 

Sweet Daddy doing some consoling...

His lips started to fatten up right away. My poor little guy!

Trying for a silly's pretty much all we could get. Poor Caleb was totally done at this point.

and so was everyone else...

The end!


Jason and Kate said...

Your family is so adorable! I just love the last two pictures.

JakenDebbie said...

I just love these pictures, Kari. Your family touches my heart...and your little guy is suddenly so big!! And adorable!!

Mark, Shannon,Trey, Boston, & Lola said...

lol I will give you that the 2 teeth falling out trumps my family picture day, but mine kind of went the same way lol--I had this brilliant idea to use our "props" in a field in gila bend but then half way there it started to pour rain so we headed to another spot got all set up and then the cops came and said we were on Indian land lol, then we had about 1 hour of light left and headed to our final destination where we got some pics lol but my 2 toddlers were DONE at this point!--I missed seeing you at the field trip today!

Melissa Bosen said...

Where are you guys? Is that Gold Canyon? Beautiful choice of location! I can't believe what happened with Caleb's teeth...I had to have a root canal and capwork done in the past couple of months, so I'm wondering how you get through it with a 9 year old! Bless you, Kari!!